1. Missile Defense Agency Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Budget Estimates, Overview, P. 4.
2. Hitchens T. HASC Markup Punts Space Force Decision, Chops Next-Gen OPIR // Breaking Defense, June 10, 2019.
3. Reif K. National Missile Defense Set Back // Arms Control Today, July/August 2019.
4. Burns R. Pentagon cancels billion-dollar missile defense project // The Associated Press, August 21, 2019.
5. Thompson L. Inside The U.S. Missile Defense Agency's Secret Next Generation Interceptor // Forbes, October 8, 2019.
6. Daniels S., Cancian M., Hunter A., Karako T., Rumbaugh W., Harrison T. What to Look for in the FY 2021 Defense Budget Request. Center for Strategic & International Studies, February 2020. P. 5.
7. Reif K. National Missile Defense Set Back…
8. Karako T., Rumbaugh W. Masterpiece Theater: Missed Opportunities for Missile Defense in the 2020 Budget. Center for Strategic & International Studies, March 2019, P. 2, 6.
9. Ibid., p. 10.
10. Statement by Lt Gen James H. Dickinson, USASMDC/ARSTRAT Commander, JFCC IMD Commander before the Senate Armed Services Committee, FY 2020 Authorization Request for Missile Defense, April 3, 2019, P. 24.
11. Reif K. Congress OKs Trump Nuclear Priorities // Arms Control Today. January/February 2020.
12. Department of Defense Press Briefing on the President's Fiscal Year 2021 Defense Budget for the Missile Defense Agency, February 10, 2020.
13. Missile Defense Review 2019, Office of Secretary of Defense. P. 35.
14. Department of Defense Press Briefing …
15. Statement of General Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy, USAF, Commander of USNORTHCOM and NORAD before the Senate Armed Services Committee, February 13, 2020. P. 9, 12-15.
16. Department of Defense Press Briefing …
17. Missile Defense Review 2019… P. 48.
18. Larter D., Sprenger S. Push to base six US Navy destroyers in Spain could be gaining steam // Defense News, March 3, 2020.
19. New Layers. Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance Capitol Hill Briefing, May 16, 2018, P. 30. Available at: http://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/New-Layers-CRT-Transcript.pdf (accessed 28.05.2018)
20. Larter D. With an eye to China and Russia, the US Navy plans a lethal upgrade to its destroyers // Defense News, March 20, 2019.
21. Missile Defense Agency Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 … P. 7.
22. Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Program: Background and Issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service, December 17, 2019.
23. Department of Defense Press Briefing …
24. O’Brien C. Missile Defense Agency wish list includes more interceptors, THAAD battery // Politico. February 21, 2020.
25. Department of Defense Press Briefing …
26. Missile Defense Agency Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 … P. 10, 14.
27. Karako T., Rumbaugh W. Masterpiece Theater… P. 2.
28. Statement by Lt Gen James H. Dickinson… P. 16.
29. Taleblu B. Iran’s “New” Land-Attack Cruise Missile in Context // FDD’s Long War Journal, February 4, 2019.
30. Williams I. How drone attacks reveal fixable flaws with American air defenses // The Hill, September 24, 2019; Heinrichs R. Missile Defense Needs Trump's Attention // Real Clear Politics, October 25, 2019.; Bowman B., Gabel A. 3 ways America can fix its vulnerability to cruise missiles // Defense News, October 29, 2019.
31. Grego L. Assessing the 2019 Missile Defense Review: Mixed Messages on Missile Defense // Arms Control Today, March 2019.
32. Summary: FY 2020 House Defense Appropriations Bill (HR. 2968), Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, June 5, 2019.
33. Mehta A. Bioengineering, lasers and more drones: Griffin outlines the Pentagon’s tech wish list // Defense News, September 4, 2019.
34. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020. Conference Report to accompany S. 1790. December 2019. P. 1480-1482.
35. Karako T., Rumbaugh W. Masterpiece Theater… P. 10.
36. MDA Halts Airborne Concepts for Boost-Phase Intercept // Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 5, 2020.
37. Unclassified Statement of Lt Gen Samuel A. Greaves, Director of Missile Defense Agency before the Senate Armed Services Committee, April 3, 2019, P. 21.
38. Ensuring U.S. Technological Superiority: An Update from Under Secretary Michael D. Griffin. Hudson Institute event, August 13, 2019, P. 5. Available at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.hudson.org/Transcript%20--%20An%20Update%20from%20Under%20Secretary%20Michael%20Griffin2.pdf (accessed 31.08.2019)
39. Unclassified Statement of Lt Gen Samuel A. Greaves … P. 22.
40. Erwin S. Next steps for the Pentagon’s new space sensors for missile defense // SpaceNews, January 21, 2019.
41. Stenographic Transcript before the Senate Subcommittee on Strategic Forces to receive testimony on Missile Defense Policies and Programs, April 3, 2019, P. 55. Available at: https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/19-33_04-03-19.pdf (accessed 05.05.2019)
42. Karako T., Rumbaugh W. Masterpiece Theater… P. 4.
43. Trimble S. New Hypersonic Interceptor Design Limited to Ship Launch // Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 4, 2020.
44. DiMascio J. Can Spread of Hypersonics Be Slowed? // Aviation Week & Space Technology, September 29, 2017.
45. «Dogonyaya amerikantsev v rabotakh po giperzvuku, my ikh suschestvenno peregnali», interv'yu A. Arbatova // Krasnaya zvezda, 6 marta 2018; Norris G. U.S. Hypersonics Face Uphill Struggle To Match China, Russia // Aviation Week & Space Technology, September 21, 2018.
46. Missile Defense Review 2019… P. 58.
47. Vergun D. DOD Scaling Up Effort to Develop Hypersonics. DoD News, December 13, 2018; China's Hypersonic Missile Advances and U.S. Defense Responses, Event at the Hudson Institute, March 11, 2019, P. 7. Available at: http://s3.amazonaws.com/media.hudson.org/China%27s%20Hypersonic%20Missile%20Advances%20and%20U.S.%20Defense%20Responses%20-%20Final%20Transcript.pdf (accessed 03.08.2019)
48. Trevithick J. DARPA Starts Work On "Glide Breaker" Hypersonic Weapons Defense Project // The Drive, September 6, 2018.
49. Nichols T. Hypersonics in enemy hands are immeasurable threat to America // The Hill, April 2, 2018; Gault M. Russia’s New Nuclear Missiles Squeeze Response Time // Scientific American, March 27, 2019. Oelrich I. Cool your jets: Some perspective on the hyping of hypersonic weapons // Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 2020. Vol. 76. No 1. P. 39.
50. China's Hypersonic Missile Advances and U.S. Defense Responses … P. 10.
51. Acton J. China’s Ballyhooed New Hypersonic Missile Isn’t Exactly a Game-Changer // The Washington Post, October 4, 2019; Van Loon, M. Hypersonic Weapons: A Primer // Defense Technology Program Brief, No. 18, May 2019, P. 3; Strategic Premier: Hypersonic Weapons. American Foreign Policy Council, July 2019. P. 14; Marlowe M. Hypersonic threats need an offense-defense mix // Defense News, August 2, 2019.
52. Dolan J., Gallagher R., Mann D. Hypersonic Weapons – A Threat to National Security // Real Clear Defense, April 23, 2019.
53. Krivolapov O.O. «Obzor PRO-2019»: novye cherty i podkhody // Rossiya i Amerika v XXI veke. 2019. Spetsvypusk. Available at: https://rusus.jes.su/s207054760005319-7-1/ (accessed 07.06.2019)
54. O’Brien C. Missile Defense Agency wish list…
55. Trimble S. New Hypersonic Interceptor Design Limited To Ship Launch…
56. Erwin S. Pentagon seeking proposals for how to use sensors in space to quickly target enemy missiles // SpaceNews, February 17, 2019.
57. The future of U.S. defense strategy: A conversation with General Paul J. Selva. Event at the Brookings Institution, June 28, 2019. P. 8-9. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/fp_20190628_selva_defense_transcript.pdf (accessed 17.11.2019)
58. Twardovski A. Highlights from a recent discussion on the Missile Defense Review, Brookings Institution, February 6, 2019.
59. Karako T., Rumbaugh W. Masterpiece Theater… P. 3.
60. Ibid., p. 4, 5, 6, 9, 10.
61. The Arms Control Landscape. Event at the Hudson Institute. May 29, 2019, P. 23. Available at: http://s3.amazonaws.com/media.hudson.org/Hudson%20Transcript%20-%20The%20Arms%20Control%20Landscape.pdf (accessed 06.09.2019)
62. Defense Budget Overview. Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), February 2020. P. 4-9 – 4-11.
63. Mehta A. Here’s how much money the Pentagon found through internal savings — and where it’s going // Defense News, February 5, 2020.
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